Sorry for the bad quality on this one, it’s quite rare, here is a mosaic, I think was made in the 2010s showing kim jong il in a shoe store
I feel like I’m the only one who wants a clone wars art style TV-series starring the original trilogy cast
French illustration (1906) from the anarchist/socialist magazine ‘L’Assiette au Beurre’ showing the dead kings of Europe dining together. Artist: Gabriele Galantara.
Known as ‘The Incubator Doctor’, Martin Couney was responsible for saving over 7,000 prematurely born babies during his lifetime. (1900)
A Russian soldier and a Chechen fighter during joint peacekeeping work. September, 1996. [1076 × 1076]
If you guys were part of the GOTG recruitment progress, what would be your power and do you think you would get in?
Do you think Feige is going to announce a huge rescheduling of future projects at this year’s Comic Con?
Stand your ground, fend off the dangers of the night and protect the king at all cost in Lost In The Open!