Somali Air Force maintenance personnel training in Turkish Air Force Tech School on a F-16 (1200×804)
If you adjust median household incomes for cost of living, Utah emerges as the wealthiest state in the nation
US-trained Palestinian elite unit 101 in Jenin during clashes with rebel “Jenin battalion”, December 17th 2024 [7492×4777]
Congolese soldier from the Land Forces of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (FARDC) with a PKM machine gun – during recent fighting with M23 rebels – in Nyiragongo Territory, North Kivu. [670 x 1241]
“AIDS is divine punishment because qu*ers are a disgraceful breed” 1980s homophobic Brazilian newspaper headline.
A German GSG9 Breacher pictured during explosive Method Of Entry training earlier this year. (1080×1080)
Iraqi emergency response unit troops taking a photo as an isis VBIED detonates behind them,2014.[960×540]
U.S. Army soldiers, with 1st Battalion, 21st Infantry Regiment, during live-fire exercise at Schofield Barracks, Hawaii. August 9th, 2018. [3360 x 2240]