“The National Socialist state will prevent people whose lives are not worth living from being born in the future.” Nazi propaganda slide, mid 1930s.
F-16D Block 30J 87-0383, one of the chase aircraft from Area 51/Groom Lake, down in Sidewinder low level route in California. Late 2024. [1080×1080]
Installation 05 in Halo 2 Anniversary contains a landmass that looks exactly like the Adriatic on Earth.
Communists and Komsomol members! Be in the forefront of the fight against the Nazi bloody dogs (1941)
Mural dedicated to Blagoje Jovovic, killer of Ustaše leader Poglavnik Ante Pavelić in New Belgrade. 2020.
A female Bundeswehr soldier firing a U.S. issue M17 pistol during joint training with the 21st Theater Sustainment Command. (2048×1365)
Funnily enough there is an argument for Ultimate Cyclops being the most similar of the 3 to their 616 counterparts.
My contortionist great grandma and her father, welterweight boxing champion, playing around at the beach 1920’s
1870s leaflet by the racist Workingmen’s Party of California, opposing Chinese immigration under the slogan “The Chinese must go!”
My headcannon about escape rooms is that someone watched DS9’s “Move Along Home” in the mid-2000s and decided to make it real. — “Allamaraine Puzzle Rooms, how can I help you?”
“Food is Ammunition – Don’t waste it.” – poster by John Sheridan for the US Food Administration (c. 1917)