Chris Espinosa is currently the longest-serving employee at Apple. He joined in 1976 at the age of 14, writing BASIC code while the company was still based in Steve Jobs’ garage.
‘Karl Marx loved children’ — Chinese poster, 1986. Published by the Sichuan Fine Arts Publishing House.
”THE FIRST DUTY – CIVILIZATION (to China): »That dragon must be killed before our troubles can be adjusted. If you don’t do it I shall have to«” – American cartoon (”Puck” magazine, artist: Joseph Keppler Jr.) published during the Boxer Rebellion, August 8, 1900
North Idaho Wal-mart… staying classy. Lots of unhinged folks up here, this is just an exceptional example.
”CALL A HALT!” – anti-Roosevelt cartoon (”The Chicago Tribune”, artist: Carey Cassius Orr) depicting him as a warmonger, United States, November 26, 1941
Unit of the Ta’ang National Liberation Army going on patrol in northern Shan State, Myanmar. [1280×718]
Countries and territories for which newly released PlayStation titles are region-locked on Steam due to PSN unavailability
Cartoon showing a World War I veteran walking on his hands, dragging his entrails behind him. He approaches a fat capitalist, who sits on a chair and leans over to give him a medal for his service as a soldier. “After the war a medal and maybe a job.” 1914
”THE NEW BABY” – anti-isolationist cartoon (”The Chicago Daily News”, artist: Cecil Jensen) mocking Charles Lindbergh’s Des Moines speech about Jews leading America towards war, United States, September 1941
A behind the scenes photo from a New Hope that I found years ago. One strikes me when looking at pictures like this is the mix of effort, stress and joy that you always see written on everyone’s faces. Star Wars would be what it is without everyone giving it their all.
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