“When our interests clash, whose ox is likely to get gored?” – Canadian Poster opposing Free Trade with the US (1911)
Career of the Nazis: They wanted to be above everyone else – they reached the proper height. USSR 1942
“The First Sting” – painting by Stuart Brown for the CIA, of the Mujahedeen downing a Mi-24 with a US supplied Stinger (2008)
Congolese soldiers with a Polish MSBS Grot assault rifle, Chinese Type 81-1 & Type 56 assault rifles, a Serbian Zastava M93 Black Arrow anti-material rifle, and a Chinese Type 69 rocket launcher – all captured from the rebels of the March 23 Movement. [675 x 900]
Soviet Army – our best model, we learn from its experience – Polish poster byJ arosław Kirilenko, 1950s
Oval Office : Sorry Mr President turn over your guns, you aren’t allowed to own any guns, also here are the Nuclear Codes
SEAL Team 3 members on a rooftop with their M-79 grenade launchers during the Battle of Ramadi, Iraq. 2006 [1800×1350]