Hedy Lamarr: On Jan. 19, 1961, the day before John F. Kennedy was to be inaugurated, a powerful snowstorm brought DC to a standstill. Despite temperatures in the 20s & single-digit wind chill on inauguration day, Kennedy, a real man, addressed the crowds outdoors.
In 1939, Hitler’s nephew William Patrick Hitler wrote an article called ‘Why I Hate My Uncle’ and came to the U.S. and served in the Navy
Hunter S. Thompson shaving Johnny Depp’s head for “Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas” (1998) He believed that Johnny Depp was the only actor capable of portraying him authentically.
Let’s benefit from the experience of Soviet agriculture. Let’s fight for a rich harvest – Polish poster – Polish poster by Władysław Janiszewski, 1951
Gear and weapons from a Congolese soldier with the Land Forces of the Democratic Republic of the Congo: AKM assault rifle modified with an Israeli FAB Defense kit, and a Serbian ‘M11 PD51 RBG’ (40mm) grenade launcher. [751 x 978]
“Situation of the War” WW2 caricature from the Turkish newspaper “Akşam” (Evening), September 18th 1939
Ex-Soviet soldier in White Army uniform waving a hollowed Soviet flag after the collapse of the Soviet Union [1735×1220]
French anti-Soviet poster (undated, 1950s) showing a Soviet soldier with ‘USSR’ below, the SS in the style of the Schutzstaffel.
Dolly Parton photographed with some London punks in Carnaby Street, August 1983 where she filmed her “Dolly In Concert” HBO Special