“Guesses at Futurity No. 7: Interplanetary Communication. Gold Mining in the Mountains of the Moon” from the Pall Mall Magazine, 1895
Happy belated (June 13) to Ralph McQuarrie, the artist whose concepts were the first images Mark Hamill saw for Star Wars
The Star-Raker SSTO (comparison with a Boeing 747). The Star-Raker was a never-built spaceplane to ferry heavy equipment into orbit, reaching speeds of up to mach 7.2 during the ascend. It would have had a payload of 100,000kg (about 220,000lb), a 93 meter length and a 103 meter wingspan. (1978)
This is the never built Douglas D-974/Douglas C-6A. The project was studied by McDonnell Douglas in the late 1960s, in an attempt to create a high capacity airliner. The D-974 would have been the heaviest aircraft if built, however was cancelled due to airports not being able to accommodate it.
Illustration by Arthur Layard from “1500 Miles an Hour: A Story of a Visit to the Planet Mars” by author Charles Dixon, 1895
Han Solo in a galaxy far away, still relying on a modified Mauser C96 from 1895, while the Mandalorian uses a modified Bergman 1896
Concept Cars from the Dawn of the Jet Age (x-post from r/oldschoolcool, think it’s more at home here)
This converted airship hanger in Germany looks a lot like the classic Space colony pics by Don Davis and Rick Guidice. Cross post from /r/woahdude.