“Our labor victories are all better, more joyous, bigger. Soviet Russia rented equipment of the past to the museum!” by Viktor Ivanovič Govorkov, 1966.
”THE NATIONAL BIRD OF PREY” – American cartoon (”Puck” magazine, artist: John Samuel Pughe) depicting John D. Rockefeller as a vulture, September 1905
Behold the Megasupersportlimousine! My dad built it from various moped parts and a chainsaw when he was a teen and it’s just as dangerous as it looks.
WWII Factory worker Norma Jean Dougherty, Née Mortenson, 1944. In meeting the photographer that day, she began modeling for him and his friends. This led her to signing with a modeling agency in 1945, later to become Marilyn.
According to the MCU wiki, Thanos canonically snapped his fingers five years ago today on May 31, 2018. Pretend this happened in real life: do you remember what you were doing on that specific day? If not, what would you have been doing?
”A Short History of Peace Petitions” – political cartoon made by Canadian cartoonist John Collins (”The Gazette”), circa 1950
Pic of 6 year old me. My sister was ill so she couldn’t compete in a fancy dress competition so my mom sent me instead. I’m a boy.
‘How did you help Donbass?’ (Soviet poster written in Ukrainian. Printed in Kyiv, signed ‘Sjuli’/ ‘Ziuli’/ ‘Z. Yu. Sch.'(?). Ukrainian Soviet Socialistic Republic, 1921).
The Incredible Hulk (1962 1st Series) #350 Cover Art by Jeff Purves and Terry Austin [The Thing, Dr. Doom and Joe Fixit Hulk on one cover, Nuff’ Said!]
My SO chose him at the shelter/cat-cafe because he was shy and ‘looked sad’. I think Biscuit knows who picked him 💗
Helped my boss set up wifi at a building the company just purchased. This was the old company’s “IT room”
Approximately 40 Japanese soldiers who committed suicide to avoid capture by US forces. Attu Island, Alaska. 31 May, 1943 [5445 × 4449]