Philippine National Police DCPD SWAT officer with his Hk416 during Counter-Terror scenario at school somewhere in Davao City, Philippines.(720×479)
This elementary school in Ohio can only be reached by car – it might be normal for US for is an abomination by European / Asian standards
Nazi anti-smoking ad titled “The chain-smoker” reading: “He does not devour it, it devours him”, 1941.
I’ve just been wondering why is there such a negative reaction to the map standoff and what would fix the issues it has?
I have seen a lot of tiktoks of people putting this rainbow film on their windows, so I had the idea to put it on my pc, and I’m in love
Women making 37mm anti-tank shells in 1942 at Aluminum Industries, Inc. in Cincinnati, Ohio. [1490×1211]
NOTICE TO THE JAPANESE PEOPLE! Warning leaflets dropped over Japan the day after the bombing of Hiroshima, August 1945
A Kentucky, USA man used duct tape as a mask while trying to rob a liquor store. But the “Duct Tape Bandit” was chased down with a baseball bat and held in a chokehold until police arrived.