K2 Black Panther tanks delivered to the Polish Army one year after contract signing with South Korea [3072 x 2048]
When Sabine showed Hera and Zeb the Tie Fighter she painted in Star Wars Rebels 1×15, Fire Across the Galaxy, she said “It’s some of my best work.” Do you agree with her about that?
Polish Head of the National Security Bureau – Jacek Siewiera with Navy SOF JW FORMOZA combat divers during training [1536×2048]
Issue 117, I love all the little things in the back of the comic shop every time it pops up, noticed the sticky note at the bottom, does it say “Call Saul” Anyone know any more in this?
Anyone can think otherwise but for me, I feel Ms Marvel is amongst the best shows. It had some issues but largely, it clicks well and has made for a great coming-of-age drama.
Sketch of an armoured car looking like Fungi, from the Soviet documentary: Lenin Was A Mushroom from 1991. (It was a hoax documentary on mainstream Soviet television to show how easily people fall for anything that the media says.)
Check out this bad boy. Still a prototype I’m working on. Currently showing the CPU and GPU temperatures from my PC (polled via HTTP from Libre Hardware Monitor).