“Samostroi” is an illegal way to increase the area of your home by building an “enlarged” balcony. The size of the extension depends on the size of your wallet and your impudence. This practice is widespread mainly in republics of the North Caucasus, and to a lesser extent in the south of Russia.
The building of the Scientific Research Center of Electronic Computing Technology, 736 meters long. Muscovites nicknamed it the “Lying Skyscraper”.
Ruins of coal power plant number 1, Omsk, Russia. A rare example of Romanesque revival architecture in Siberia.
Seoul – I saw this one before on r/UrbanHell, if I remember it correctly, and it is just a few blocks away from where I live! They are putting a new building in front of this one, so it will become more difficult to take a picture of this array of ACs.
Stone Ridge, VA: zoning laws block walkable neighborhoods, but data centers next to your backyards are fine