Ronald Reagan’s Central Square in the socialist realist district of Nowa Huta has the potential to be a real town square but instead it’s a giant tram and car roundabout with a bit of lawn in the middle.
A 60’s workers neighborhood in Serbia’s second largest city Novi Sad (2022 European Capital of Culture)called “Satelit” (lit Satellite)
Another one from Catania, Sicily, where I went on holiday last June. The monster parking in the city, even decorated with concrete floral vases to make it look prettier, you know…
Krasnodar, Russia. Is it good for everyone to build the house they want? The criticism of overly uniform residential areas, often heard in this subreddit, is entirely justified. But what about the other side of the coin? The complete lack of any uniformity in the architecture of private homes.
Cemetery in Omsk, Russia. For better or worse, unlike most other European countries, Russia doesn’t have a practice of destroying forgotten and abandoned graves. So most cemeteries in Russia are rather gloomy and look very unkempt in places.
Move in Day (staged) in Lakewood, California. Nothing, not even a tree. Only the same as far as the eye can see!
The building of the Musical Theatre in Omsk, which looks like the head of Ben Affleck as Batman, if he had stayed up all night in a pub.
chinese coal plant(?) i found on google earth built similarly to the forbidden city, facing straight south and surrounded by solar panels.
“The Nautilus” shopping mall is one of the most hated buildings in Moscow. It is located in the very center of the city (5 minutes walk from the Kremlin), surrounded by beautiful historical buildings and located on the site of an outstanding architectural monument demolished by the Bolsheviks.
“Samostroi” is an illegal way to increase the area of your home by building an “enlarged” balcony. The size of the extension depends on the size of your wallet and your impudence. This practice is widespread mainly in republics of the North Caucasus, and to a lesser extent in the south of Russia.
The building of the Scientific Research Center of Electronic Computing Technology, 736 meters long. Muscovites nicknamed it the “Lying Skyscraper”.