Took me a little while to figure this out since this was a fairly new cable but found out why my downstairs PC was only negotiating at 100mb instead of 1gb.
Took me a little while to figure this out since this was a fairly new cable but found out why my downstairs PC was only negotiating at 100mb instead of 1gb.
Customer: ” I Tried to disconnect the battery as the screen stopped working. The back is really hard to get off.”
friend of mine gave me this SSD with a busted SATA port a while ago and decided this morning to take a whack at a repair… didn’t work but worth a try
got tilted by clash royale and bended my phone cuz i got mad. how the fuck am i going to explain this to my parents who bought this with their hard earned money :( im a fucking idiot m14
The backlight almost dying, the LCD got a nasty red hue and the inverter barely stay working around 13% brightness setting