Can’t be the only one who thinks Zahn Mcclarnon is the obvious choice for a live action Quinlan post-clone wars.
A behind the scenes photo from a New Hope that I found years ago. One strikes me when looking at pictures like this is the mix of effort, stress and joy that you always see written on everyone’s faces. Star Wars would be what it is without everyone giving it their all.
Why was the Separatist Council on Mustafar not better protected? I know the obvious answer is Palps straight up wanting them to die, but how come none of the members insisted or brought their own defensive forces?
Weeks ago she asked me what lightsaber color and type I prefer. Told her I liked orange and more sober and elegant look, “a noble weapon from a more civilized age”. She went on and painted me one inspiring herself from Gungis.
I pray to god that Disney didn’t listen to the “Andor didn’t feel like Star Wars” and the “Andor was boring” crowds and just let the writers cook
It’s an exciting day when both Anakin Skywalker (Hayden Christiansen) and Darth Sidious (Ian McDairmid) sign your artwork!
Would y’all be interested in a StarWars horror anthology, showing us the horrors that lie in the darkest corners of the Galaxy?
I was at D23 Brazil this weekend! And I met B2EMO, this was kind of the units used in your actual filming – and I’m cosplaying as Bad Batch’s own Tech!
Let’s an appreciate the fact that the manufacturers painted literal targets on the heads and torsos of the officer droids, just to make battles easier for the clones. Nice manufacturers.
I’m omw to meet Hayden Christensen in my Rex armor. I’m gifting him this. I heard he loves sand and volcanos.
Imagine for a second you could only keep one piece of Star Wars media made under Disney, and the rest of it all went away— what would you want to keep?
Based on how notorious Star Wars is with canceling projects, which ones do you think (or hope) will see the light of day (or not)?
Who is this character? I’ve had this action figure since the late 80’s but I don’t remember who it is anymore
Do you think Star Wars is the greatest/your favourite piece of fiction ever made? What pieces of fiction come close for you?
Would Count Dooku – who dueled Yoda to a standstill and defeated Kenobi twice – stand a chance against EU Legends Luke?
Young Anakin Skywalker, drawn by Akira Toriyama (the creator of Dragon Ball) for the release of Episode I.