I’m old enough to remember when Republican politicians could denounce authoritarian wannabes without alienating their base.
Illegitimate Supreme court fails basic English grammar and us history 101 then wonders why nobody has any respect for them.
And bam! Federal government rolls in like a wrecking ball, smashing states’ rights like they’re made of flimsy Lego bricks!
With the reproductive rights of woman eliminated, Planned Parenthood turns to offering vasectomy services
Actor Ben Savage is running for office in Los Angeles. My response to his repeated and unwanted texts:
I’d rather my tax money go to education and feeding people than bombing some brown kid in the middle east.
How did Kim Guilfoyle go from being married to super liberal Gov of Cali Gavin Newsom to becoming a Fox News sweetheart and then marrying Donald Trump’s son? Maybe she should run for president to unite everyone?
The Supreme Court was once the protector of our rights, freedoms, and liberties. Now thanks to the MAGA/GOP it’s become this
I hope Putin provided Tucker all the green M&Ms he could want, the room where they held the interview would’ve smelled like sex and candy