Met a coworker at the gas station getting air, had the same pressure gauge with the same pressure read previously
Waiting to be an extra in a short film and one of my fellow extras brought the sequel to the book I’m reading!
Gary Numan and Gary Oldman were both born in March 1958. Gary Numan is 13 days older than Gary Oldman.
I work as a cashier and two different people, from 2 different days, Paid me with crisp $100 bills from 1996
I was cutting up an apple and there away one piece of the core. Somehow managed to impale it on a paper bag
I was on the train and I bought a shirt online, and then noticed that the business was based in my city. Out of curiosity, I look them up and it turns out they were 250 feet away from me
My reddit karma balance which I don’t keep track of but accidentally noticed the figure while opening my profile today.
Michael Harrigan, a retired F.B.I. special agent, said the image captured by Doug Mills, a New York Times photographer, seems to show a bullet streaking past former President Donald J. Trump.
A fan bet $50 on Eugenio Suarez hitting a home run, and ended up catching the home run ball live at the game.
Yesterday I bought each of my two daughters a stuffed animal at the airport. Today a neighbour gave us a small bag of toys which contained the same stuffed animal but different colours.