[OC] Simulating the Birthday Paradox, which says that a room with 23 people has a 50% chance of two people sharing the same birthday, and a few related problems.
[OC] Earth’s elevation profile, exaggerated vs. to scale. To scale, Mt. Everest’s elevation is roughly the same as a fine hair sitting on top of a billiards ball.
“We abolished the gender studies program. Now we’re throwing out the trash.” New College of Florida these are the people project2025 will empower
[OC] How the DNA structure was discovered and its structure as told with Lego! Lego DNA aims to promote science to kids and honor Rosalind Franklin. If it gets 10K votes on Lego Ideas (3,700 left), it’ll be considered as a real Lego set! If you like it, please support via link in comments.
How long until computers have the same power as the human brain? A visualization of exponential growth
How Earths magnetic field protects the planet from cosmic radiation and charged particles emitted by our sun
Explanation of the Dropship scam. Learn how scammers trick you into giving them money, even on this very subreddit.
Deer, and some other tiger prey animals, are dichromats, and perceive colour somewhat like a person with red-green colour blindness. A tiger has better camouflage than you might think
Water is diamagnetic; that means that objects full of water, even living things like frogs can be levitated above a powerful enough magnet
Beewolves are solitary wasps that dig holes in order to store bees that they have paralyzed. The female beewolf will lay a single egg on each bee, which will eventually be eaten alive by her larvae.
Pipe lining is the process of lining old dirty pipes with a liner that is soaked in a combination of resin and epoxy. Making the old pipes complete new without ripping them out.
An Archimedes’ screw is a machine used for transferring water from a low-lying body of water into irrigation ditches, Archimedes first described it around 234 BC.
Sagittarius A*, Milky Way’s black hole from Quasars: the Brightest Black Holes – Professor Carolin Crawford
The vibration in a PS5 controller is made by the rumble motors at the bottom of the handles (green object) spinning rapidly. Captured with CT scan.
Ratcheting mechanism inside bicycle rear hub allows coasting and locks when pedals are turned forward