Do you wish Episode 6 had taken place on Kashyyyk instead of Endor? It would have been cool to see the Wookies take down the Empire.
”The ARMS of FRANCE” – anti-French etching made by James Gillray and published by John Hatchard, United Kingdom, September 1803
My self created comic collection. It’s incredible seeing them all together and seeing how far it’s gone. My comic is free to read, link in comments
‘This is the true and only goal of the Bolshevik world revolution’ (German Nazi poster/ handbill by unknown artist, distributed in German occupied Soviet areas. Nazi Germany, 1941).
Poster warning the Danish public not to shoot homing pigeons, as they could be serving in the country’s military, c. 1920s – 1960s (courtesy of Dansk Militærhistorie)
This derpy boi was the first of its kind on Venus – according to “First Spaceship on Venus” [Germany] 1960 – ERMAGERD!! VENUTH!!
A U.S. soldier walks past a dead German soldier in Cisterna, Italy after its capture. 25 May, 1944 [5131 × 4177]