Mexican combat paramedic, Kapon, and his brothers in arms serving with the 2nd battalion anti-tank group of the International Legion in Ukraine [700×1000]
“Our Führer Adolf Hitler never drinks a drop of alcohol and does not smoke. Without patronizing others in the least in this direction, he adheres to the self-imposed law of life. His work performance is tremendous.” Nazi Germany, 1938.
A little Nick Fury fan art to kick off the Secret Invasion release today. I thought the first episode was really good!
”IN THE ART PEN AT ELLIS ISLAND” – American cartoon (”Puck” magazine, artist: Carl Hassmann) mocking the tariff on imported artwork by portraying the famous artists as immigrants, January 1908
Despite constituting less than 10 percent of Southeast Asia’s entire population, the Overseas Chinese possess a significantly disproportionate amount of economic influence across the region relative to their small numbers.
”We don’t want to unravel this young woman’s privacy… – …Just pull one teensy thread…” – American cartoon (”Chicago Sun-Times”, artist: Bill Mauldin) mocking the Pro-Life Movement, 1989
Finally plowing through Voyager after TNG and DS9. Apparently they forgot to update their cameras over 400 years.
Looking at Rey’s AT-AT interior, and notice there is no Bathroom or Shower area. So where has she been going?
A past commission work about a city on a lake. Professional world visualizer and terraformer for hire. Thank you!
Obi-Wan using Anakin’s spinning lightsaber strike against him and actually succeeding will always be my favorite detail in Obi-Wan Kenobi’s final fight
“The meaning of the Hitler salute: Millions stand behind me! Little man asks for big gifts.” Poster from 1932 depicting Hitler as being linked to big business, accepting backhand donations with his trademark salute