“All Halo: MCC players who sign-in to the game between 10am PT on Friday, May 26th, and 10am PT on Monday, May 29th, will receive 5 Spartan Points. In addition, Medal XP earned in multiplayer matchmaking during this window will be doubled.”
OT-64 SKOT, 1960s joint Czechoslovak and Polish project of a wheeled APC. 4500 were made and some are still operated today all over the world. [2992×2992]
Italian Rangers of 4th Alpini Paracadutisti Rgt. on a LTATV (light tactical all terrain vehicle) based on the Can Am Maverick X3. [858×536]
”Family Portrait” – anti-war advertisement made by World Peaceways, Inc. and published in ”Ken” magazine, United States, May 1938
My actual workstation to Un-brick phones / Play / Code, And yes i’m using the 12v rail so the shot has enough light
Do you wish Episode 6 had taken place on Kashyyyk instead of Endor? It would have been cool to see the Wookies take down the Empire.