Citizens of the USSR are obliged to protect nature, conserve its natural wealth. USSR Constitution, Article 67″ Soviet poster, 1979
Indian Army soldiers and local civillians push an artillery gun across a bridge, Kargil War 1999 [759×1024]
Pathfinders from Operational Detachment 73, 185th RRAO (Italian Army SOF) part of SOTG Victor posing for a pic inside their FOB in Niger, 2024. [1170×1087]
Dismounts of the French 7th Armored Brigade advanving behind a VBCI IFV during exercise Eagle Warrior in Romania, March 2025. [1920×1280]
Sabotage (2014). Could anyone make this textless and possibly expand the background? Please and thank you!
2008 billboard from the Ecologist Green Party of Mexico (PVEM) calling for the restoration of the death penalty. The PVEM was expelled from the Global Greens organization as a result.
The uniforms of former Special Air Services (SAS) soldier Ben Roberts-Smith in an exhibit at the Australian War Memorial in Canberra, Victoria Cross recipient awarded in action in circumstances of extreme peril while hunting a Senior Taliban Member [1200×1200]
Population density map of Greece, all 332 counties colored by hand. (the numbers are residents per square kilometer) (this took me so many hours to make)