”Blow Upon Blow” – American cartoon (”The Memphis Commercial Appeal”) published after the Soviet invasion of Finland, December 3, 1939
I watched a screw fall from the motherboard into the spinning PSU fan and the PC kept running. Should I buy a lottery ticket?
Members of the “Red Warriors,” a collective of French punk music enthusiasts who took it upon themselves to patrol the suburbs of Paris and confront fascist skinheads through violent means during the 1980s
I didn’t know he was White until a few months ago, when he happened to turn White. So I don’t know, is he Orange or is he White?
What difficulty is good of for a new player of Halo CE and a person relatively new to FPS games? (I’m playing on OG XBOX)
Would Ivan Vanko have been a good asset to the Tunderbolts* if he were still alive in present-day MCU ?