Portrait of Mussolini by Gerardo Dottori, 1933. One of many so-called ‘aeropaintings’ (aeropittura) produced by Futurist painters in the 1930s emphasising speed and aviation.
‘Down with Bolshevism – Bolshevism brings war and destruction, hunger and death’ (German poster by ‘OK’ (Otto von Kursell?) for Vereinigung zur Bekämpfung des Bolschewismus (‘Alliance to Combat Bolshevism’), Berlin. German Reich, ca. 1919).
‘Prevent forest fires!’ (American poster by George Giusti for U.S. Department of Agriculture, State Forest Service/ U.S. Government Printing Office. United States of America, 1945).
You will be reincarnated as one of these characters 1 year before ROTS, and you have all your fan knowledge. Which one do you choose?
Students from the Norwegian Military Academy improve a road with a Leopard II armoured engineer vehicle during an exercise at Rena, Norway, 28 May 2024 [5472×3648]
What if English football was organised by county like cricket? I have made a map of the highest ranked club in each historic county now that the 23/24 football season is over.