Joe Biden is a nightmare (lowest inflation rate among any other country/lowest unemployment/highest stock market/15 mil. new jobs/$35 insulin cap/more ppl have health ins. than anytime in history) American Carnage
‘Awake late into the night’ (Chinese poster by Liu Zhigui/ Shanghai renmin chubanshe, December 1974. Praising political study during the night. People’s Republic of China, 1974).
German KSK operator running carbine drills during training in “Gebäude 8”, Calw, Germany, 2021. (2048×1365)
Why did they delete this scene from Iron Man 2 of Christine Everhart convincing Rhomann Dey of Xandar to beat Tony Stark at the Monaco Grand Prix
The X-Men could literally stop a school shooting yet people will still hate them the marvel universe doesn’t deserve them