Soldiers of the “Timur” special unit of the DIU of Ukrainian MoD on the Snake island. Winter 2024. [1007×1280]
”I HAVE CAUGHT A BEAR, BUT HE WON’T LET ME GO” – British cartoon (”The Daily Express”, artist: Sidney Strube) made during the Battle of Stalingrad, January 1943
Results are in — Arturis is voted the most wrathful Star Trek character. But who will be voted the most MOST wrathful character ever? Top comment chooses the winner in this new and improved Seven Deadly Sins Calendar.
Know next to nothing about computers and was left this by a relative that passed away. Am I missing a hard drive?
My brother said his lamp wasn’t working ;) this is what i found under his desk I’m surprised we haven’t burned out yet. Decent fire hazard this was plugged in 24hours every day since 2022…
And comes to an end another round, thanks for playing! Andy Billups has been chosen for the virtue of Chastity.
Turkish Black Hawk and Chinook flying low during the “Exercise Strong Balkan” in Albania. [2200 x 1250]
Young women now make more money than their male counterparts in several US metro areas including NYC and Washington DC.
Guy I’m arguing with claims there is no urban sprawl in this picture of Tuscon becaude “it’s only 12 miles across”
Places that “don’t exist” according to internet memes (many based on the original “Bielefeld Conspiracy”)
“Types of our women”, anti-Japanese Russian propaganda poster, Russo-Japanese war 1904-1905. At the bottom it is written from left to right: “A woman who is a human being”, “A woman who is a sissy”.