Rule of acquisition number 47, never trust a man with a better suit than your own. Top comment chooses next sin, day 5-greed
Mr. and Mrs. Emory Harrison of Jonesboro, Tenn., had 13 children, all boys, making the largest all-male American family in 1955
Map of the Total Impact of the Barbary Slave Trade on Enslaved Christians from the 16th to 19th Century, Based on Davis (2001)
Hello, here’s the colored version of one of my recent sci-fi themed illustrations! Hope you enjoy my works, new one soon!
Hello, here’s the colored version of one of my recent sci-fi themed illustrations! Hope you enjoy my works, new one soon!
Several LAV-25s with the 1ST Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalion, 1ST Marine Division set up a perimeter during an exercise at Camp Coyote, Kuwait. 20 February 2003 [1728 × 1152]
Carolyn Jones 1964, began playing the role of Morticia Addams in the original 1964 television series The Addams Family.
The entire prequel trilogy was written to get to this moment. For all their flaws and silliness, you can at least appreciate the story of how a dictatorship is installed with the people’s full support.
Trying to compare all main characters to their TNG counterparts (since The Orville is an hommage to old Trek)