“Who’s next?” A Soviet cartoon in connection with the assassination of Democratic Senator Robert Kennedy, the brother of assassinated US President John F. Kennedy. The crosses bear the names of Robert Kennedy, Martin Luther King Jr., Soldiers in Vietnam, John F. Kennedy…, 1968.
Laverie Cooper, “Chamion.” A Victorian Era Strongwoman who morality censors deemed “Disgusting.” 1897
My GF was gifted this by a friend but we can’t figure out whose signature it is. Could anyone possibly identify it?
“Only the stupidest cows choose their own butchers!” German anti-Nazi cartoon published on a communist satirical magazine (1932).
“I am Quisling””And your name?” Caricature by Ragnvald Blix 1944, pubished in the swedish anti-nazi newspaper Göteborgs Handels- och Sjöfartstidning
[General Discussion] For those who were around when Return of the Jedi came out, in the scene where Luke removed Vaders mask did it cause a big shock ?