Israeli military checkpoint in the Palestinian neighbourhood of Tel Rumeida, Hebron, West Bank [Photo: Megan Hanna, 2500×1667]
The Locus Armor Set bundle which includes the popular THREEPACK shoulders and Raven Smoke coating is the daily bundle today! 1600 cr -> 1200.
“Cadet Olive” + “Visigoth” Visor Color (the red-brown one from Heroes of Reach) Re-creates the look CE’s cover art.
The Japanese Navy is one of the few navies which fields and constantly modernizes a significant fleet of mine warfare vessels. [1200×808]
The Tandraxian Nomad Star by Callum Stephen Diggle, combining a Dyson Swarm, a Shkadov thruster, and a Caplan thruster
I’m sure it’s been said already, but I’m so hyped to see what the MCU does with Kingpin! Especially when he’s already got so many personal rivals that I’m sure he intends to take down!
Mexican army ‘Fuerza Especial Conjunta’, formerly FER, raiding a neighborhood in Mexico City [700×900]
AMD’s new 96-core Threadripper CPU required two power supplies during LN2 overclocking (source: der8auer on YouTube)
American cartoon (1961) depicting Trotsky’s assassination. Published in the anti-communist comic book ‘This Godless Communism’
I don’t get the flair, so I just picked one. And if you are bored, let’s try to make a list of all women Anakin flirted with.
I really want to see more of White Vision. It’s been 2 years since his debut and so far there hasn’t even been a hint as to where he is.