U.S. Army troops of the 10th Mountain Division, at the Häyhä 23 Sniper Competition in Finland,27 Aug 2023 [4096X2731]
Derby, Western Australia. August 2023. Australian soldiers from 13th Brigade at RAAF Base Curtin during Exercise Talisman Sabre. (1200 x 801)
Navy’s FES operators a few years back deployed in northern Mexico when they were the tip of the spear against the cartels during the Calderon administration [1400×1600]
General Bernard Montgomery salutes his troops from a DUKW in the streets of Reggio, 3 September 1943. [786 × 799]
In hopes of moving his racketeering case to federal court, Mark Meadows blames Trump for devising a fake- elector scheme to flip his loss and steal the 2020 presidential election
British soldiers smile at a defaced ‘Viva Il Duce’ slogan on a wall in Reggio, Italy, 3 September 1943. [800 × 785]
“Boris! John! I missed you since the Cold War”. A political caricature of the confrontation between Russia and the United States in Syria, 2014.
Indian soldiers pose for a promo photo to show off the Indian Army’s newly acquired drones [953 x 626]
Everybody joking about Young Jedi Adventures when these are really those who met the youngling slayer 9000
“First Nguyễn takes the torpedo, if the first dies the second Nguyễn picks up the torpedo”: general Nguyễn Tân Cương inpsecting the 316th Division, PAVN [800×544]
If Feige was willing to roll the dice on America Chavez of all characters, the flood gates should technically be wide open right now. Gwen’s not even a deep cut.
“Speed” – British poster showcasing the efficiency of public rail compared to other methods of transportation. Alfred Leete, 1915.
The Pancho Villa Expedition, a response to an attack on Columbus, New Mexico by Pancho villa. US 1916
1958 Soviet Poster “Stop the Agressor!” supporting Egypt’s struggle in the aftermath of the Suez Crisis