“60 000 RM is what this person suffering from hereditary illness costs the community in his lifetime. Fellow citizen, that is your money too. Read Neues Volk. The monthly magazine of the Office of Racial Policy of the NSDAP.” ca. 1937
Which drone style do you prefer? These will travel in packs targeting players as they complete missions in our social deduction shooter.
I know that Phase 4 gets a lot of hate, I understand cause it had its very low points, but that doesn’t mean it was completely devoid of any entertaining value. What was the best and worst movie of Phase 4 and why?
Mustang, Oklahoma, United States. A lot of people here may dislike soviet style blocks, but in my opinion I think living in one of these is ten times worse..
Which is more destructive, a photon torpedo against an unshielded planet or a Bolian who eats Neelix’s cooking?
Visit planet Reach in Starfield! (Eridani II aka planet Reach, is located in the Eridani star system)
Poster urging women to join the British war effort, published by the Young Women’s Christian Association. 1 January 1915