“The Living Force” is a new novel out in April 2024. It’s about the ENTIRE Jedi Council (and Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan) going on a mission together one year before Phantom Menace. I pity the bad guys who face that Jedi line-up!
German photograph shows a group of Prisoners of War representing eight nationalities. Annamite (Vietnamese), Tunisian, Senegalese, Sudanese, Russian, American, Portuguese, and an Englishman. WWI [1800×1221]
Has there ever been an attempt to identify the actor who portrays this pivotal fleet trooper in ‘Rogue One’? He’s totally unnamed and uncredited.
After 3 years of waiting for prices to drop, I finally got the rig updated! 6900 XT + 5600X should be plenty for 1440p gaming!
Humphrey Bogart, circa 1918. He served in the Navy during World War I, enlisting after he was expelled from boarding school for throwing the headmaster into a pond on campus.
Helen Mirren and Jack Nicholson have signed on to star in the new James Cameron movie“I’m with stupid” ( my apologies to two fine actors)
Customer requested I write something on their cake that is not quite the usual message you see on a cake
Surprising lack of more stickers but the blatant QAnon sticker and disregard for parking lines is obvious.