In all of Star Wars, who is the best pilot there is? And does being force sensitive give the pilot an Advantage?
Australian soldier armed with an F89 Light Support Weapon (LSW) conducting operations as part of EX Talisman Sabre in Ingham, Queensland, Australia. (1440 x 948)
Italian Rangers of 4th Alpini Paracadutisti Rgt. prepare to enter the building after fast-roping on a roof. [858×571]
So despite the Mauser C96 being the iconic weapon for the Rocketeer, is anyone else surprised with how… little he actually uses it? After reading through several stories, I only saw him use it twice. And not once in the original story or the movie
“Mr. Imperialists, we have absolutely no fear!” Sign in front of the American Interests Office in Havana, Cuba, 2000s.
Australian and United States forces watch on as Republic of Korean Army JTAC, Master Sergeant Kang Minho, radios in for a fire mission using a simulation system. [1200×818]
This unmonitored computer at Sox-35th which seems to have full access to every switch along the red line on the L. A single lock-pick could bring Chicago to it’s knees.
1799 caricature, in which the Prussian (“God, how it grows; It’s terrifying”), Russian (“That should be good to eat”), and Austrian (“Don’t touch, my friend, it’s poisonous”) monarchs watch how republics spring up like mushrooms around France, spreading towards other European capitals.