What is the in canon explanation for lightsaber colors? From Legends content, I only know that from the KotOR games correlating to Jedi class (Guardian, Consular, Sentinel).
Soldiers of the new co-ed light infantry battalion, Lion of the Valley, trained alongside tanks of the 7th Armored Brigade in their first joint exercise 2017 [5143 x 3433]
Students of the 15th Urban Combat Course of the Ecuadorian Army during an instruction with an EE-11 Urutu at Machachi. [1280 x 841]
‘Don’t pity a disabled man – Find him a job (English poster by ‘Abber’ for Young Men’s Christian Association – YMCA. Great Britain, 1920s).
Former mexican army lieutenant colonel, Julián Leyzaola, turned police chief of Tijuana in late 2000’s manage to retake the city from the cartels while suffering 5 assassination attempts. Now retired still lives in Tijuana. [700×500]
Friend works at a PC shop. Customer came in stating “I upgraded my CPU and cooler, and it won’t boot.”