Part of the page for our WIP comic book “Death in Downward Dog”. We were experimenting with detailed coloring for Mrs.G in this panel.
Specialist Underwood, 2nd Platoon, Battle Company, 2nd Battalion, 173rd Airborne Brigade, sits below a machine gun position along the defensive wall of the Restrepo outpost during an enemy contact. Korengal Province, Kunar, Afghanistan. September 2007.[910×606]
Why aren’t more manufacturers making keyboard layouts like this? Would make more sense for gaming, productivity and ergonomics
Zaïrian poster about the Rumble in the Jungle, made on october 30th 1974. (“Ali and Foreman trusted Mobutu. You too do like them, trust in Mobutu”)
Interesting reference in the yellow text. “Keep your head down, there’s two of us in here now. Remember?”
A Ukrainian Army soldier holds a 7.62 mm PKM light machine gun as he stands on top of his BTR-80A (8×8) armored personnel carrier (APC) in Al Kut, Iraq. 21 August 2003 [2000 × 3000]
”TWEEDLE-DUM and TWEEDLE-DEADLY” – Canadian cartoon (”The Vancouver Sun”, artist: Roy Eric Peterson) depicting Saddam Hussein and Kim Jong Il as Tweedledum and Tweedledee from ”Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There”, February 2003